The Course

Imagine if you meditated every morning.

✦ I’m here to help you get there ✸

Imagine walking up in the morning and easefully sitting up to meditate. Then, because you begin your day connecting to your inner voice, you hear it loudly all day. It guides you smoothly through every perception, tension, emotion, and decision. Confidently, you know you deserve and continuously choose what is best for you.

This class is your first step.

The benefits of a retreat


from home


The benefits of a retreat 〰️ from home 〰️

What do you do on Tuesdays nights? Any chance it could be scrolling or distracting? I’d love to invite you to come hang with us instead + reclaim your beautiful mind!

We’ll meet:

  • Tuesday at 8pm EST/5pm CST: Sep 3, 10, 17, 24

You’ll Love

  • All in. This is the year you’re finally gone get ittttt. You’re ready to dream big and thrive from the benefit of the best you. It’s time!

  • Weekly Group Calls.

    Why keep doing it alone? Call in your tribe— we want to be connected! We’re all conscious creatives who have each others back. Beautiful things happen in our exciting, thriving little sanctuary.

  • For a month, you’ll be following a daily roadmap. This will be your key to building a strong, sustainable practice!


What we’ll do

As a group and independently, we’ll follow a month long roadmap inside to connect to our inner voice. You’ll be given a daily agenda to do on your own, then we’ll meet weekly to work together.

Part 1Trust in the Body

On week 1, we learn body work to relax tension in our body to more deeply trust our intuition. In our meeting, we’ll bring case studies from our current life that relate to our roots, family, nature, and money. Prepare to be on chiiiiiillllll all week.



Part 2 Flow in the Emotions

On week 2, we find our intuition’s voice in our emotions, relationships, water, and cleansings. This week, you’ll be guided to see emotions as messengers that help us create. We’ll use water to help us release blockages from body to brain so we can receive our emotions’ messages with flow to make necessary changes. Each person will bring example from their real life to work out together using our curriculum. Bring the situationship stories, we’re here for it, sis!



Part 3 Know in the Mind

On week 3, we dive into our feminine brain. Learn where the intuition lives in the mind and how to stand in certainty about what you hear. This week, you’ll find yourself moving very decisively. It’s giving boss b*tch. It’s giving extremely confident. It’s giving untouchable.


Part 4 Be in the Bliss State

Week 4 is blisssssfuuuuuul~ Here is where we reach our peaks. I wont tell you much, you just gotta wait and see who you become!



  • We’ll meet as a group on Zoom every Saturday. Then, during the week, you’ll follow our curriculum to practice on your own.

  • This class is for Black womxn and nonbinary friends who are committed to their spirituality.

  • Make sure to sign up by November 23 to join the class!


Hear about the experience from our community


Your Self Investment


Discounted pricing is offered for those in need. Use the chart below to determine your own price.

Discount Codes:

 Use if you checked some of the boxes above: DISCOUNT222 = $222

Use if you checked most of the boxes above: DISCOUNT111= $111


(This chart is borrowed with permission from Daria of

 Meet me, El

Let’s stay connected <3

Welcome to our community! We’ll email you a few updates and some blessings!

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